The Constellations from my backyard observatory in Dayton, Ohio, looking South this is what I had seen early this morningbefore the F$%^&* Clouds rolled in again!!!

For those who are wondering what your seeing in the early morning sky!
Starting on the left.South East .and moving to the top right West-South West!!!

Puppis – The Poop Deck, sailors will know this…too much to explain here…
Wikipedia it for more interesting info.

Canis Major is Orion’s Big Hunting Dog(The Big Dog) & Contains the Brightest Star in the Sky Sirius(The Dog Star), Sirius The Big Dog always follows his master Orion!

Monoceros the Unicorn, fainter stars make up this constellation, but it contains the awesome Rosette Nebula!!! Always just to the left of Orion.

The Constellation of Lepus the Hare, at Orion’s feet

The Constellation of Orion, The Hunter, Two brightest stars are Betelgeuse(Red Giant Star) upper left shoulder, and Rigel (Blue-White Super-Giant Star) his right Knee at Bottom.

The Belt of Orion (3 stars in a row) and the Sword hanging down from his belt contains one of the most Famous and Studied Stellar Nurseries(Star Formation Regions) The Great Orion Nebula!!!!

The Constellation of Taurus the Bull!
Hyades Star Cluster in Taurus (The Horns of the Bull) with Bright Orange Giant (Orange star) Aldebaran. Above the Tree!

Pleiades Star Cluster also in Taurus (The Seven Sisters Cluster) an Awesome sight in Binoculars! M45 Pleiades is in the far upper right of this image.

Canon 6D DSLR, 24mm lens F16,
ISO 6400, 20 second exposure

Best Regards,
John Chumack