B33 – Barnard 33 is the Dark silhouette of The Famous Horse head Nebula and IC-434 is the background red nebula. The Horse head is located in the constellation Orion, 1,375 light years away and is difficult to see visually, unless you have a large scope in a dark location.
The first time I actually had seen it visually was with a 24 inch Ritchie Scope at Star Hill Inn in New Mexico during our club trip in 1998.
But it is relatively easy to image with today’s sensitive cameras and telescopes, even a telephoto lens can capture it fairly well these days.
C6 F5 Newtonian Telescope, Bisque MyT mount, a QHY183M Cooled Cmos Camera & EFW with 7nm band-pass Hydrogen Alpha & Oxygen III filters
Using Narrow band filters with slightly different color palettes will also help reveal more subtle details.
These were captured from my backyard in the city of Dayton, Ohio on 02-03-2021
HA monochrome was 180 minutes(36 x 300sec subs)
OIII was 105 minutes(21 x 300sec subs)
285 minutes total integration, 4.75 hours
Best Regards,
John Chumack