Comet 73P Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 sweeps over M57 The Ring Nebula
on 2006-05-08 at 03:44:26.734 U.T.

Comet 73P Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 Passes M57 The Ring Nebula on 05-08-06 04:06:40.692 U.T.
16″ scope & CCD 90 sec
Comet 73P SW-3 passes M57 The Ring Nebula
widefield 1 hour path image of the comet
1 hr image stack of the comet
1 minute image of comet & M57
See the video for yourself, click here for the Comet sweeping past the Ring Nebula – Video Clip (700K)
Click here for the Wide angle Canon 10D SLR & 4″ Tak shot of the Comet sweeping past the Ring Nebula – Video Clip (2MB)
The Miami Valley Astronomical Society, & Apollo Rendezvous 2006, Dayton, Ohio