Jupiter & Mars Conjunction this morning and through the Holiday weekend, yes this is an easy one to see, just look with your eyes.

The planet Jupiter is the brighter of the two, and the planet Mars will look more red to your eyes.

Also a Spectacular Meteor shower possible this weekend as well!

Here is a quick shot done with my I-phone using the hood of my Truck to rest my hands while taking this shot, just as rain clouds started to clear.

0.5 second exposure, hand held, 26mm lens, ISO 1600, I-Phone 11, Dayton, Ohio USA

Just a quick grab on my way to work…note all the rain drops on the hood of my truck, finally rain clouds moved out for me to see the pairing this morning at 4:50am .  Keep looking each Morning this weekend between 4:45am and 5:30am EST …until dawn wipes them out.

See NASA’s detail on this Conjunction of the Planets


Link to details on the Meteor shower

A Spectacular Meteor Shower Might Hit Us This Weekend. Here’s What to Expect (sciencealert.com)

Best Regards,

John Chumack
