The Moon has a Nipple!!!???
“it looks like a Nipple” said my wife Charlotte, and
I just about died laughing and now I can’t unsee it

The Lunar Occultation of the Planet Mars
The Reappearance at 03:20 UT 01-14-2025 UT,
While looking close-up over the Sea of Smyth (Mare Smythii).
You can see Mars(reappearing) rising above the rim of Hirayama Crater, nearing the end of this wonderful occultation.
You can see surface details on Mars and the Polar Ice cap as well.
My C-11 Telescope, Bisque MyT Mount, ADC, 2x Barlow, QHY462MC Cmos Camera, Fire-Capture Software, Full Frame,
665 SER video frames x 2.3ms exposures, Processed in Astrosurface, Registax6, Adobe Raw CC 2025
Captured from my backyard observatory in Dayton, Ohio.
Best Regards,
John Chumack