M93 or NGC 2447 The Open Star Cluster is nestled in one of the richest star fields along the Winter Milky Way, located in the Constellation Puppis. M93 is the streamlined looking cluster of stars near the center of my recent image. Although it sits very low in the South for us Northern hemisphere observers, it is bright and an easy target with binoculars or a small telescope. The cluster has an apparent diameter of 22 arc minutes, roughly two thirds the size of the full Moon. It lies at a distance of 3,600 light years from Earth.

I captured this image with my 12” F4 TPO Newtonian telescope, Bisque ME mount, and HAP Modified Canon 6D DSLR, ISO 800, 10 x 1 minute subs, 10 minute integration time.
The SkyX , Canon Utility, DSS, and Pixinsight, Adobe Raw in Adobe CS 2022. Captured from my observatories in Yellow Springs, Ohio on 01-08-2022.

Have a Great Super Bowl / Valentine’s Day weekend everyone!

Best Regards,
John Chumack