The Moon & Mars Occultation on 11-08-2022 03:18 to 03:58 U.T.
I guess I was not the only one fighting clouds [...]
I guess I was not the only one fighting clouds [...]
Mars on 11-22-2022 at 09:23 U.T. A mere 17 arc-seconds [...]
Here is another set of my Active Sun shots... The [...]
Here is My Best shot so far this season of [...]
I'm so glad I finally got one good Stable night [...]
Sorry its not JWST, but it is my most detailed [...]
This time a closer look at the Jovian cloud tops. [...]
A close-up look inside of M17 the Swan/Omega Nebula... also [...]
Jupiter and the Great Red Spot on 08-03-2022 @ 09:24 [...]
Check out my recent shots of the Massive Solar Filament…it’s [...]