M42 and M43 The Great Orion Nebula “Happy Valentine’s Day”
M42 & M43 The Great Orion Nebula, Every year I [...]
M42 & M43 The Great Orion Nebula, Every year I [...]
A Large Solar Prominence is still on the Sun, NASA's [...]
The Sun (Full Disk activity) in Hydrogen Alpha Light Captured [...]
M50 or NGC 2323 - A Beautiful "Heart" shaped Open [...]
Look who is peeking through my Dome slit....our favorite Hunter....Orion! [...]
My first Solar Image of the New Year..and New sunspot/ [...]
Here is another one of my shots of Comet 67P, [...]
My latest image, Say Hello to our little "Sister" M33 [...]
I recently was asked if it was possible to capture [...]
Here is my shot of this well studied Comet...read all [...]