The Lunar Occultation of the Planet Mars
We were lucky enough to have clear skies for this, …here is one of my preliminary quick process shots of the Full Wolf Moon Lunar Occultation Of Mars last night, I captured both disappearance and the reappearance of Mars close-up with my C-11 Telescope from my backyard in Dayton, Ohio. I have a ton of Data to process yet and lots of Video footage from my QHY462 Camera, but thought I would toss this quick one out taken 01-14-2025 @ 02:08 UT., as it may be a while before I have the time to go through it all. More to come later!

C-11 Telescope, ADC, 2x Barlow, QHY462MC Cmos Camera.
Fire-Capture software SER Video Files.


Best Regards,

John Chumack