Mars close approach and was looking great though my telescopes.

Wow…One of my most detailed yet this season,….Mars was giving up some of that finer detail the last two nights and it is closest to the Earth right now 10-06-2020…showing some nice fine details with Terra Meridiani, the Arabia Peninsula Region front and center. A lot of Blue Limb Clouds and the blue North Polar hood looking good, as well as the southern ice cap that is shrinking in size. Target=Mars, Date: 10-05-2020, Time: 06:41:40 UT, Mag: -2.55, Dia: 22.55, Res: 0.07, Az: 193.12, Alt: 55.59, Phase: 0.99, CM: CM=349.2°, Camera: QHY5III290M, Scope: C-11, FL: 8000mm, F-ratio: 28, Observer: John Chumack, Location: Dayton, Ohio, Seeing was about 7/10, that is well above average for me in Dayton. #marsopposition #mars2020 #Mars #johnchumack

Mars is heading toward opposition , which will occur on 10-13-2020.  Get out and take a look at Mars while its at its brightest and largest, even small telescopes can get you a nice view. Its the brightest orange planet in the East after dark, and will be almost straight over head by midnight and low in the west by dawn.

Best Regards,

John Chumack