Finally not a cloud in the sky last Sunday, so I took a peek at the Sun!!!!

The Sun in Hydrogen-Alpha light with Active Sunspots, Prominence’s, and Filaments, basically a ton of fainter Prom activity today!

Sun is active and which means more spectacular Northern Lights for our Annual Aurora Photo Workshop in Alaska in a couple of weeks.
BTW, One spot left for 2024 (due to a last minute Medical Cancellation), any of you want to join us? Contact me ASAP
To see details for the March 12-18, 2024: (1 Space Left)

We have been teaching this workshop since 2014, this is our 10th year!!
And yes, we always see and capture the amazing Aurora every year.

Capture details:
Lunt 60mm/50F HA Solar Telescope, Bisque MyT Mount, BF12,
QHY5IIL Uncooled Cmos Camera, Fire-Capture Software, SER Video Capture, 15FPS, 700 frames Stacked in Autostakkert4, Registax6, Final in Adobe Raw CS 2024.
Seeing was boiling (bad) today, so it is not as good as I would have liked, but I still managed to pull out some details.
Captured from my backyard observatory in Dayton, Ohio on 02-18-2024 at 17:37 UT (12:37pm LT)

Best Regards,
John Chumack