The Total Lunar Eclipse from the city of Boston, MA. on 11-08-2022.
I was at the 2022 International Digital Image Correlation (I-DIC) Conference on business travel for the University and had to take some shots from downtown Boston.
The 1st shot of Moon was intentionally over exposed to help properly expose the City buildings for my foreground, the following Sequence was captured individually with my Canon 6D DSLR using 24mm-105mm, lens set to 105mm, F7, ISO 400, ranging from 1/2000 sec to 1.3 sec., mirror lock up, live view mode, wireless remote switch, properly exposing the moon during the partial eclipse phases and totality. After aligning & scaling both images they were combined to show the Eclipse Sequence and path as seen from my hotel in Downtown Boston.
Sometimes you just need a chair, trash cans, and sock!
The tripod ii was planning to use, was already in use at our Conference, so I had to come up with a last minute makeshift tripod using one of the hotel’s chairs, two trash cans, and a sock to prop & align the camera for the DSLR sequence, aiming it out the sliding door of my balcony in the hotel.
Best Regards,
John Chumack