Since the transparency was terrible during the early evening last night, I didn’t bother with any Deep sky objects. Just the moon this time.
Another warm night, this time with a little bit of Fire smoke haze and humidity(moisture), so the moon is not as sharp as it could be, but I grabbed a shot anyway. 6 Inch Newt. Reflector telescope, Bisque MyT mount, QHY183MM Cooled Cmos Camera, 32ms exposure.

Don’t forget the Total Lunar Eclipse this Sunday Night May 15th into Monday early Am May 16th 2022.
For those of us on the Eastern half of the USA “EDT” we will get a great view of the whole event if we have clear skies.

Watch the full moon turn dark, then deep Copper/Orange, see time table for your time zone.

Eclipse Event               UT      ADT            EDT            CDT             MDT              PDT        AKDT
Penumbra first visible 2:00   11:00 p.m.    10:00 p.m.  9:00 p.m.    — — —
Partial eclipse begins 2:28   11:28 p.m.    10:28 p.m.   9:28 p.m.    8:28 p.m.        — —
Total eclipse begins    3:29   12:29 a.m.   11:29 p.m.   10:29 p.m.  9:29 p.m.      8:29 p.m.       —
Mid-eclipse                4:12    1:12 a.m.    12:12 a.m. 11:12 p.m.   10:12 p.m.    9:12 p.m.        —
Total eclipse ends       4:54    1:54 a.m.   12:54 a.m.  11:54 p.m.   10:54 p.m.    9:54 p.m.        —
Partial eclipse end       5:56   2:56 a.m.   1:56 a.m.    12:56 a.m.   11:56 p.m.    10:56 p.m.  9:56 p.m.
Penumbra last visible   6:30   3:30 a.m.    2:30 a.m.    1:30 a.m.     12:30 a.m.   11:30 p.m.  10:30 p.m.

Wishing you Clear Skies and Good Luck,
Best Regards,
John Chumack